ROMAN/FONTANINI NATIVITY SETThere are about 70 pieces in this lot...none of them are the basic nativity pieces like the Holy Family or Wisemen. Most of this lot is to set up a village market place and includes the Scene (w/ box)Bird Shelter (w/ box)Produce Market (w/ box)Town Well (w/ box)Bakery (w/ box)Produce Shop (w/ box)Pond w/ Palm Tree (w/ box)Ox Family (w/ box)Barnyard Birds (w/ box)Fences (w/ box)Nathan (w/ box & story)Samantha (w/ box & story)Andrew (w/ box & story)Judith (w/ box & story)Ephraim (w/ box & story)Deborah (w/ box & story)Noah (w/ box & story)Rachel (w/ box)Joanna (w/ bo... |